Posted February 3, 2023
The Colorado Measure Academic Standards testing window will be March 20-April 28. Hill’s CMAS testing schedule will be published shortly. Please read the CMAS Letter to learn more about CMAS and opting out.
Cleaning out your bookshelves, but don’t know what to do with your unwanted books? Bring them to Hill’s Book Bin where they will be sorted and reused. Hill teachers and staff will be doing the same around the school in order to make room for their high interest books. Find the Book Bin in the front of the school. It won’t be here long, so use it while you can!
Enjoy our monthly grade-level newsletter!
Remind your students that Chromebooks are required tools in their education, and should be cared for as they would any other technology. Even though they are in your student’s possession, they are still property of DPS. Repairs to or replacement of devices may result in charges to your student’s account that must be paid in order to graduate. Replacement of a Chromebook due to loss or damage results in a $250 charge. If your student’s Chromebook is having any issues, please direct them to the main office.
Does your employer match charitable donations?
Ask if they will match your donation to Hill!
Thank you so much to the 96 people who have already donated to the Hill Annual Fund!! We have raised $18,015 so far towards our $65,000 goal. The Hill PTSA Annual Fund is a year-long direct donation campaign and will be our primary fundraiser for the 22-23 school year. Help us reach our goal of $65,000 to continue to support the important programs at Hill that are listed below. To donate now, go to:
Round 1 of School Choice for 23-24 high school placement closes on Tuesday, February 14. All current 8th grade students should submit an application for their preferred high school. More information can be found at or by calling the School Choice Hotline at 720-423-3493.
Feb 7 Hill CSC Meeting, 5:30 pm at Hill
Feb 8 Choir Fest Sectionals 12:00 pm @ Manual High School,
Feb 8 Library Volunteer Training @ Hill, 1:00pm RSVP:
Feb 13 Dine-out at Esters on Holly St from 4 – 10pm! Esters will donate 20% to Hill! 1950 S Holly St.,
Feb 14 DPS Citywide Vocal Festival, 10am @ the Newman Center
Feb 15 Early Release Day, 12:00 pm dismissal