Hawk Talk 3/17

Posted March 17, 2023

Spirit Week


CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success) testing will take place at Hill April 6, 11, and 12 for all grades. Testing will take place in the morning from 8:10am-12:30p . All grades will have lunch/recess from 12:30pm-1:00pm, and then an abbreviated schedule in the afternoon. 

Hill 8th Graders will also take the CMAS Science test on April 13. Science testing will take all day.

Please ensure your students are on-time during testing days so that we may start on-time and finish on-time. Late students will be sent to the Auditorium where they may work on school assignments, but will have to make up missing CMAS testing. 

CMAS Letter March 2023 & Opt Out Form

CMAS Volunteers

CMAS testing days are busy, and we can use a few extra hands to help:

  • Testing Volunteers:  April 6, 11, and 12 from 9:00am-11:00am and 10:45 am-12:30pm. You will help administrators and teachers by watching classrooms, packing and delivering snacks,and  escorting students. Background check strongly encouraged. Click on this link for a background check, then the purple button on the right hand side. It’s easy!! 
  • Lunch/Recess Volunteers: April 6, 11, and 12 from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. Volunteers will monitor students during lunch/recess, and ensure their safety. 

We would like 8 people per day to help out. There are several shifts, so pick the one that works best for you! Sign up HERE to volunteer. Click this link for background checks.

Dine Out

Dine Out at Anthony’s Pizza located at 7th & Colorado on 3/21 from 4-8pm. Hill will receive 15% back!!

Community Service Opportunity for 8th Graders

8th graders are invited to sign up for Community Service Saturday to earn 3 hours of community service towards their Continuation requirement. Use THIS sign-up to attend on Saturday, April 8, from 9am – 12pm.

MLE DAC Meeting 3/22

Our next district MLE DAC meeting will be on March 22nd at West High School. This meeting will be held in the morning, from 9:30 am – 11 am

This month the DPS MLE department is presenting information on several DPS summer programs available to families, including Summer Connections, MS Gen Teach, HS Summer School, Project 2020x. There will be resource tables for other summer programs as well, i.e. Denver Public Library, etc.

BOOKIES Fundraiser

Shop The Bookies March 18th – March 24th with 15% of all purchases donated to Hill! Shop in person or online (code: HILL) You can also purchase gift cards for a teacher or for the library! 


Hill PTSA Annual Fund

Hill Families, the Hill budget for next year does not cover all of our very important programs! If you have not donated to the Annual Fund yet, please consider donating today! https://www.coloradogives.org/story/Hillptsaannualfund

Thank you for your continued support! 

Easy Ways to Support the PTSA

*UPDATE! Amazon no longer offers the AmazonSmile program. Please consider supporting Hill in one of the ways listed below instead. 

  • King Soopers – Choose “Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences PTSA” when you link your rewards # at the following link: https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards
  • Box Tops – download the app, attach your account to Hill, buy groceries, scan receipt & repeat. Find out how at BTFE.com
  • DINE OUTS – We will announce a new Dine Out for each month and your participation generates funds for Hill!

Calendar Update

Mar 17 Quarter 3 ends

Mar 20-24        Spirit Week, see above for details

Mar 21 Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta Dine Out at 7th & Colorado, 4-8pm

Mar 24 Quarter 3 Grades Posted

Mar 27-Apr 3 Spring Break, No School

Apr 4 CSC Meeting, 5:30pm

Apr 6, 11, 12 CMAS Testing, all grades Math & Language Arts

Apr 13 CMAS Testing, 8th Grade Science, all day