We have a new health and wellness page on our site! When you have time be sure to review the information, for example – we have a new partnership with Hazel Health, City Assistance or additional Community Resources.
Harvest Baskets
We want to thank our Hill Cares team, Hill staff, and the families who have donated to the Harvest Basket fundraiser! This year we will be able to assist 100 families and it would not be possible without your help!
Cafeteria & Courtyard Name Announcement
The name of our newly remodeled cafeteria and patio is: “The Nest” Thank you to all who voted!
Colorado Gives
Colorado Gives is a year-round online giving tool to support nonprofits and schools like Hill. December 8th is special because all donations received through Colorado Gives on that day receive a portion of a $1 Million Incentive Fund, thanks to the Community First Foundation and FirstBank. By giving on December 8th, you increase the value of every dollar you donate. Donations to Hill will be used to expand the reach of Hill Cares because we are a community that takes care of one another. And we need each other now more than ever. Hill Cares will be using the funds raised on December 8th to increase the number of holiday baskets and additional food support for Hill families. Hill Cares will also be responding to teacher requests for additional supplies and/or tools they need to support our students in this evolving virtual space. So please consider giving what you can. Whether you give $5 or $15 or $50, you are helping our community thrive. You can make your contribution on December 8th or you can schedule your donation in advance by visiting THIS link.
6th Grade Experience
Our current 6th grade students will have the opportunity to check out Hill Campus (IN PERSON!) meet staff and faculty and participate in activities that will assist them in developing a sense of connectedness to our school community. Space is limited so please RSVP HERE at your earliest convenience.
Upcoming Dates
November 21-
Harvest Basket Delivery 9am-3pm
Harvest Basket Distribution 9am-12pm
November 23-27-
Fall Break (No School)
December 1-
CSC Meeting 5:30pm
Hello Hill Skyhawks!
The Hill Community has done it again! With the help of our community partners – King Sooper’s, Jewish Family Services, Natural Grocers, and Trader Joe’s – we will be distributing Harvest Baskets Friday and Saturday to 100 Hill Families, or between 500-600 people in our community. We are also so grateful to our amazing Hill volunteers and donors who have given their time and resources so that each basket will have enough food for Thanksgiving, and at least one other nutritious meal. Our work, however, is not over. These are weird and difficult times and we still need your help. Now, we look ahead to December when there are multiple ways to support our school community:
Holiday Staff Gifts – every year, we ask parents to donate to purchase gifts for Hill’s hard-working teachers and staff. Funds donated will be pooled and used to purchase gift cards so they can treat themselves a bit over the winter break. Help us make our awesome Hill teachers and staff feel extra special this holiday season. Look for the STAFF GIFTS section of the PTSA donation page.
Hill Cares Holiday Gifts – Hill Cares is still taking donations at hill.ptapal.com, look for HILL CARES section so that we can continue to meet the needs of struggling families for the holidays and beyond. If you want to be on the Hill Cares committee and receive updates, please email Jennifer I (i_jennifer@yahoo.com) to be added to our list.
Colorado Gives – this is Hill’s first year participating in Colorado Gives and all donations will benefit Hill Cares. Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 8, and features a $1 million Incentive Fund. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the fund, increasing impact and the value of every dollar donated. You can schedule your donation today – visit Hill’s Colorado Gives profile to learn more and donate.
Bookies Fundraiser – In-store and online from 11/28-12/12. All in-store purchases excluding gift cards and donations give 15% to Hill. They are not open on Sundays. All online purchases, including donations and gift cards give 5% to Hill (this is b/c all online purchases are already discounted by 10% to encourage online vs. in-store shopping). FYI – to get the full 15%, even when shopping online, you can: Donate a credit to Hill and 5% is donated to Hill, and when it’s redeemed, Bookies makes another 15% donation to Hill. Curbside pickup and shipping available. Online promo code is Skyhawkstrong (all one word, not case sensitive). Website: thebookies.com
As you buy food and gifts to celebrate the season with your own families, please also remember that you can support Hill PTSA with everyday purchases:
Amazon Smile – Start @ smile.amazon.com and select “Hill Campus of Arts and Sciences PTA” – on the app too!
Haircuts for Hill! – $1/kid haircut and $2/adult haircut donated to Hill. @ SportClips / Mayfair Shopping Plaza, 13th & Krameria. Just mention HILL; through Dec 21, 2020!
Remember, keep tabs on Hill’s FB page for updates about all that the PTSA is up to and Happy Thanksgiving!
With gratitude,
Spanish Translation
Colorado Gives
“Colorado Gives” es una herramienta de donaciones en línea durante todo el año para apoyar a organizaciones sin fines de lucro y escuelas como Hill. El 8 de diciembre es especial porque todas las donaciones recibidas a través de Colorado Gives ese día reciben una parte de un Fondo de Incentivo de $ 1 millón, gracias a Community First Foundation y FirstBank. Al donar el 8 de diciembre, aumenta el valor de cada dólar que dona. Las donaciones a Hill se utilizarán para ampliar el alcance de Hill Cares porque somos una comunidad que se cuida unos a otros. Y nos necesitamos unos a otros ahora más que nunca. Hill Cares utilizará los fondos recaudados el 8 de diciembre para aumentar la cantidad de canastas navideñas y apoyo alimentario adicional para las familias de Hill. Hill Cares también responderá a las solicitudes de los maestros de suministros y / o herramientas adicionales que necesitan para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes en este espacio virtual en evolución. Así que por favor considere dar lo que pueda. Ya sea que dé $ 5, $ 15 o $ 50, está ayudando a que nuestra comunidad prospere. Puede hacer su contribución el 8 de diciembre o puede programar su donación con anticipación en Coloradogives.org.
6th Grade Experiencia
Nuestros estudiantes actuales de sexto grado tendrán la oportunidad de visitar Hill Campus (¡EN PERSONA!), Conocer al personal y la facultad y participar en actividades que los ayudarán a desarrollar un sentido de conexión con nuestra comunidad escolar. El espacio es limitado, así que confirme su asistencia en el enlace a continuación lo antes posible.
Fechas Proximas
21 de noviembre-
Entrega a domicilio de canastas de cosecha 9am-3pm