Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences is an extraordinary middle school in the heart of Denver. We embrace our diversity and tout it as our most important attribute by serving over 600 students from all economic and cultural backgrounds. Hill offers an academic program that includes standards-based teaching, an Accelerated Path for students to begin to explore above grade-level standards and content, as well as a rich electives program for all students to achieve. At Hill, we believe that our community plays a role in creating experiences that our students will hold on to as they build new understanding of the global world.

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Important Update from Principal Adams 12/11

Please view this important announcement on the return to in-person learning.

Hill Middle School Night

Hi Future Skyhawk Families! Did you miss middle school night? If so, you can watch the replay HERE.

Electives Out Now!

Hey Skyhawks!  The time is here to select your electives for the 20-21 school year! Please follow the directions in this form to rank your choices.  Principal Adams  ¡Hola Skyhawks! ¡Ya llego la hora de seleccionar sus clases electivas para el año escolarContinue Reading

Community Meeting for Return to In-Person Learning

If you missed the community meeting HERE is the recording!

Hill Family Forum 1.8.21

View our first Family Forum of the year HERE

CSC: Black Excellence

Click the link in the image above to view the agenda for the CSC Meeting next week covering The Black Excellence Plan and student enrollment for the 21-22 school year!

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