Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences is an extraordinary middle school in the heart of Denver. We embrace our diversity and tout it as our most important attribute by serving over 600 students from all economic and cultural backgrounds. Hill offers an academic program that includes standards-based teaching, an Accelerated Path for students to begin to explore above grade-level standards and content, as well as a rich electives program for all students to achieve. At Hill, we believe that our community plays a role in creating experiences that our students will hold on to as they build new understanding of the global world.
Black History Month Hey Hill Families! To celebrate Black History Month, we are inviting Black/African American parents/family members to join us on February 24th for a Black Excellence Day. Black Excellence Day will recognize and share the stories of some…Continue Reading
After school Tutoring Beginning Monday, January 31st, we will be offering an after school tutoring club for all Hill students to work on raising any grades from semester 1. This will also serve as a special opportunity for 8th grade…Continue Reading
Resetting Expectations: Parents and families, we have spent the last few weeks reminding students of our expectations. We would appreciate your support on these standards: No Cell Phone Policy: students should not be on their cell phones during the school…Continue Reading
Update on COVID Guidance IMPORTANT: Please see this letter HERE for more information on the changing guidance and protocols related to COVID from our school leaders and nurse. School Choice All 8th graders are expected to complete School Choice for…Continue Reading
CSC Meeting Join us for the first Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Meeting of 2022 on Tuesday, January 11 from 5:30pm. This meeting will be virtual only due to COVID restrictions. We will see you via Zoom: CSC Meeting, Passcode: Skyhawks…Continue Reading
Season’s Greetings: Hill Families, as we all enjoy some much needed time off from work, learning, and daily life, we want to celebrate our students and staff who have worked so hard this semester on learning in the classroom, adjusting…Continue Reading