
Family/Teacher Conferences

Family/Teacher Conferences will be held October 6th and October 13th between 3pm and 7pm click the link below to sign up and access the teacher’s link. Electives Core

Hawk Talk 9.25.2020

Please download this week’s Hawk Talk!

Return to In-Person Learning Decision

Skyhawk Families, Please take a moment to review a letter from Principal Adams Regarding In-Person Learning. Spanish and English are in the document below.

In-Person/Remote Learning Update

Hello Hill Families, Thank you to all the families who have provided ongoing feedback regarding the return to school. In order to allow families to know which model we are implementing, Hill has extended the window for selecting in-person or virtual learning forContinue Reading

Principal Message 9.18.2020

Hill Families,  I want to thank you all again for your grace as we plan for in-person opportunities. This past Wednesday, I had a chance to host a Community Meeting to share multiple schedules for the return to in-person withContinue Reading

In Person Opportunities Zoom Recording

Please click the link below to view the community meeting. Zoom

Hawk Talk 9.11.2020

Hawk Talk English Edition Hawk Talk Spanish Edition

Message from Principal Adams 9.4.2020

Skyhawk Families,  Week three of the 20-21 school year is approaching, and a lot is happening to prepare our students for the demands of school this year. As I have mentioned, our goal is to ensure that our students areContinue Reading