Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences is an extraordinary middle school in the heart of Denver. We embrace our diversity and tout it as our most important attribute by serving over 600 students from all economic and cultural backgrounds. Hill offers an academic program that includes standards-based teaching, an Accelerated Path for students to begin to explore above grade-level standards and content, as well as a rich electives program for all students to achieve. At Hill, we believe that our community plays a role in creating experiences that our students will hold on to as they build new understanding of the global world.
“What in the world is going on with my child?” Understanding the Middle School and Teenage Brain An informational presentation to help you understand what is going on in the body and brain of your middle school student. Spanish interpretive…Continue Reading
Back to School Night – 9/15 5-7pm This year, Back To School Night will be held on September 15th, from 5-7pm. This will be an opportunity for the students and parents to ask questions, meet the staff, socialize, as well…Continue Reading
Early Release Reminder Here at Hill, we take every other Wednesday as a half day in order for our teachers and staff to plan collectively, prepare efficiently for upcoming events, participate in professional learning and align our school community to…Continue Reading
Free & Reduced Lunch Forms ALL families should complete this application, since lunch is no longer free for the 22-23 school year AND Hill Campus receives budget funds based on the number of families that submit the application, not on…Continue Reading
First Day, First Week Reminder: Monday is the first day of school, and we are eagerly awaiting your students! The school day is 8:10am until 3:10 pm. The first bell rings at 8:05 am, and students can be dropped off…Continue Reading
Cell Phone Policy At Hill, it is a priority for all of our students to focus on their education and develop their social skills as they are engaged in learning throughout the school day. Therefore, cell phones must be completely…Continue Reading