Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences is an extraordinary middle school in the heart of Denver. We embrace our diversity and tout it as our most important attribute by serving over 600 students from all economic and cultural backgrounds. Hill offers an academic program that includes standards-based teaching, an Accelerated Path for students to begin to explore above grade-level standards and content, as well as a rich electives program for all students to achieve. At Hill, we believe that our community plays a role in creating experiences that our students will hold on to as they build new understanding of the global world.
Hill Campus Safety & Security After the events of this week, we’d like to remind the HIll Community of the resources we have in place at Hill to keep our students safe: All doors are locked to enter the building.…Continue Reading
Dear Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences Community, We are excited to announce that Ms. Sonia Williams has been selected as the next long-term leader at Hill Campus of Arts & Sciences for the 2023-2024 school year and beyond. We…Continue Reading
Spirit Week CMAS CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success) testing will take place at Hill April 6, 11, and 12 for all grades. Testing will take place in the morning from 8:10am-12:30p . All grades will have lunch/recess from 12:30pm-1:00pm,…Continue Reading
6th Grade Boys/Girls Basketball We are excited to announce that there will be a 6th Grade Basketball Season for boys and girls. Students must be signed-up using the links below, and have a current physical on file. Here is the…Continue Reading
Principal Selection Community Forum The next step in the Principal Hiring Process is a Community Meeting where the final candidates will present and answer questions. The meeting is Thursday, March 9 @ 5pm in the Hill auditorium. We hope you…Continue Reading
HILL’S 3RD ANNUAL BLACK HISTORY BLOCK PARTY – EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! Hill’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLOCK PARTY is TOMORROW, FEBRUARY 25 from 12-3PM!! All Hill Students and Families are invited to come for games, food trucks, and a vendor fair.…Continue Reading